Mack 'n' Me: Origins by C. M. SImpson
Today C. M. Simpson is visiting Promote Me Please After Dark to answer five curious questions about her new book Mack 'N' "Me: Origins. Q.I. Mack ‘n’ Me: Origins . The title implies this might be the first of a series. Is this so? A.1. Yes. This is the first book in a new series. I’m currently working on Book 2, while compiling an anthology of short fiction set around these characters. The short fiction was where the idea spawned, but the novel takes me back to before when those stories were set. It came as a bit of a surprise, too, because it’s the story I’m writing now, that I thought I was writing, when I started Origins . However, the characters took a quick step to the left, and told me they had some stuff they wanted to do, first, so I followed them through the course of Origins , and I’m glad I did. Q.2. Describe Mack in five words A.2. Big, shrewd, commanding, manipulative, deceptive Q.3. Who is “me” in Mack ‘n’ Me ? A.3. “Me” is Jocelyn Cutter,...