Sanctified! by Maggie Blackbird

Promote Me Please After Dark welcomes Maggie Blackbird to talk about her new book SANCTIFIED Where’d those characters come from? Coming up with the concept and characters for Sanctified was quite easy. It’s the third book in the Matawapit Family Series . Each book can be read as a standalone, but there is an underlying series arc since the Kabatay family is the Matawapit family’s main antagonist. Especially big brother Clayton who is every inch the culturally traditional Ojibway. Although the Kabatays aren’t quite as prominent in Redeemed , book two, they do make a few appearances, and they do fuel the underlying series arc. When it came time to write eldest son Jude’s story, having him fall in love with the youngest Kabatay, Raven, was a no-brainer. Raven makes a brief appearance in Blessed , book one, but she doesn’t have a speaking roll until book two, Redeemed , since Raven and the hero for book two, Adam, have a history. N...