Maggie Blackbird talks about BLESSED

Today we have Maggie Blackbird to answer some questions about her new book BLESSED. Be sure to scroll down for some useful links! Q.1. Blessed is an intriguing title. Did you have much trouble coming up with it? A.1. It's an Elton John song. I chose it when Emery's father had a POV in the story, and before I gave Emery a brother and sister. I kept the title because it was appropriate for Darryl and Emery's relationship. Q.2. Can you describe your heroes with three words each? A.2. I sure can. Darryl Keejik: Passionate, emotional, driven. Emery Matawapit: Logical, level-headed, reserved. Q.3. Elevator pitch! Will you give us 25 words or so of logline? A.3. A mixed-blood Catholic seminarian struggles to discern his true calling: the priesthood or his ex-lover, a proud but damaged Ojibway man. Q.4. What do you love best about writing romance? A.4. Developing the characters and their...